What do I say about my baby girl ..........there aren't enough words that describe how much joy this little girl brings into my life. I am so blessed to have two beautiful daughters. And today I am honoring my youngest since we just celebrated her 5th birthday.
Graycie says the cutest things to us, and you just never know what is going to say. The other day we were driving down the road and Graycie says, "Mom, what is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to you?". Really? What five year old thinks about that? It totally threw me off guard and at the same time brought a tear to my eye. I thought that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever asked me.
Another wonderful Graycie story happened just the other day when I picked her up from Kindergarten. I said, " o.k. Grayce, do you think you can handle walking into school tomorrow without Mom? She said, " Mom, of course I can handle it. I am a kindergartener now." The look on her face was priceless. I wish I could take pictures of moments like this and put them in my pocket to keep FOREVER!!!
Graycie LOVES her older sister Maryssa. The older Graycie gets, the more they seem to play together and I love that! Maryssa is realizing that her little sister is actually pretty cool and a lot of fun to be around. The best is watching them hug one another and tell each other they love one another. I am a little sappy I know, but that is one of the joys of being a Mom.
Part of Graycie's 5th birthday this year was our little weekend getaway at the Green Valley Ranch. Graycie wanted to do that instead of a friends party. She wanted to lay by the pool and have a little spa day. The pool was terrific, but the spa thing didn't happen because we ended up staying at the pool until 8:30pm. But we all had a great time and enjoyed each others company so much!
Yesterday was Graycie's actual birthday. I took peace sign cupcakes to her class (per Graycie's request). Graycie, Grammie and I went to lunch. Graycie had her cousin Marlee over to play after school and then Grandma's and Grandpa's stopped by that evening for cupcakes and ice cream.......oh.... and she did get to open a few presents.